Mon 27 Jan
Come Celebrate🌟💯%Its My Birthday Weekend!🌟 👐 🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪WITH ME➬ - 24
(Omaha, Omaha & Surrounding areaso)
5 ★ Provider BUSTY BEAUTIFUL Blonde Bree! 11am to 7pm Incalls!! $100 special!! - 25
(Omaha, Incalls West Omaha)
New Sexy Pics.... Feelin Frisky tonight... INCALL SPECIAL TONIGHT - 35
(Janzen Beach Incall/ Outcall Anywhere)
* NeW H0TTiE N0THiNG iS 0FF LiMiTS JuST LikE U wAnt it 503.964.9539 - 25
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding Areas)
~~ NEW GoRGeouS ☆° BruNeTTe Picture 100% real☆° FuN FreaK ☆° tHe bEsT In Town - 24
★NEW Pics! PERSIAN // PUERTO RICAN hybrid built for PLEASURE!★ $100 Specials - 21
(Portland, Pdx Surrounding Area Outcall)
( 💕 ____ Naughty ____ 💕 ) __________ 🌴🍍 B_L_O_N_D_€ 🍍🌴 ___________ ( 💕 1OO% R€AL 💕 )UP LATE - 25
(Portland, Portland and Vancouver)
Mature, Slender, Ebony, Thick in all the right spots and Sensual - 20
(Portland, i5 n millplain in vancouver wa)
L{✰} {✰}K > BeAuTiFuL & iNdEpENdEnT ♫♪ NaTuRaL 'DD' EBONY pLaYmAtE - 19
(Madison, EAST (80) * (80) * (80) CALL ME NOW!)
l¥¥♡♡ LET MY BODY TOUCH YOURS ¥¥♡♡¥¥♡♡ LET MY BODY TOUCH YOURS ¥¥♡♡ . ill . ill let u b the JUDGE! ! - 24
(Madison, me next to you)
[= =JU!©¥ &Thick; ] =] °Sexxy Hot °[= [ SUP ® F®AK¥ ] °[= [ Sweet =BØØT¥ ] - 21
(Madison, EAST MADISON N SUR AREAS will travel)
LAYLA LUST- $100 Special OR $300 2girl show til 3am. Very High Class Incall & Provider ! - 24
*^*Late Night Specials With The Best * Sensuality is Our Specialty*^ Recommended *^ Catering2 U! - 19
(Incall Madison Outcall To you)
IN/OUTCALL specials Sexy LATINA u don't want to miss - 23
(Madison, OUTCALL SPECIALS. Don't miss the best)
**let me show you what the best feels like ***
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, hotel room)
💥💥💥LAST NIGHT In Town🍑➡️🚨 $75 INCALLS ALL NIGHT👣 The MOST Erotic👅 NyⓂ️ph⭕️〽️🅰TIC FR📧🅰K 🚨 ZONE🚨 💥💥 - 22
(E Washington, Madison)
▒█ K¡ηkγ ▒█ δωεε† ₰ Cυr√γ ▒█ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ▒█ ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█ $80 SPECIAL UNTIL 7PM ONLY - 18
(Madison, Madison AREA ONLY)
JUst What u NEeD New In TowN♥♥( SeXxY:MixED VixEN—* I LoVe WhAt I dO- )♥♥ExplORe Ur Curiosity - - 21
(Madison, In & out (will travel))
It,s Saturday, lets have some fun Older Gentleman get a discount special - 27
(Madison, west side madison)
Incall Special Friday & Sat. Only!!! Swimwuit Model ready for some hot fun!!!! 36D-26-36!!! - 27
(Madison, WI)
I'M BaCk♡•SLÏP Iñťô MŸ T!GhŤ GR!P ♡• Skilled Lips Let's GëŢ ŤH!§ PärtŸ STärŤËÐ♥ ♡• - 22
(Eau clair In only, Eau Claire)
*** Mia The caRmel Goddess **** 619 THREE EIGHT SIX 7098 - 25
(Portland, pdx all over portland/ vancouver)
= j_U_s_T= __ ☆ __ =W_h_A_t= __ ☆ __ =Y_o_U=__ ☆ __= w_A_n_T= - 21
(Madison, Next to Both Major Highways! East)
IL ,WI, Traveler , Sophia Vixon- a true GFE! Let me rock your world! Happy New Year!
(Outcall/your place, Incall/Rockford)
-:¦:- *********** HOTT YOUNG EROTIC SEXX KITTEN ************ -:¦:- $50 SPECIALS -:¦:- - 21
:¦:L O O K :¦: * HOT §ExY LATINA* * :¦:L O O K :¦: - 24
[ [ Shhhh It's MADISON'S best kept secret & I'm Highly Reviewed W/ Specials! ] ] - 25
(Madison IN/OUT)
It's Football Season! Are YOU Looking to Score Big Time? Zan is the Zen of FB 🏈 - 29
(Madison, Madison East In/Out)
I've arrived! Today 4pm- 9pm. Madison's best kept secret! 6*0*8*5*6*1*1*8*2*5 $100 - 35
(12/18, between Broadway & Rimrock SE, Madison)
Indisputably * A * M * A * Z * I * N * G * this RedHead GODDESS is simply irresistible - 39
(Madison, Madison WEST / IN ~ OUT)
✿ •✿ HOTTT✿• •✿ ❤ ✿• •✿❤ ▬ ✿• •✿NAUGHTY &&& NEW✿• •✿▬❤ ✿• •✿❤ •✿•BLONDE•✿• (**HOPE**) - 21